Toys for Dak

Welcome to St. Frances Cabrini's 2011 annual toy drive for domestic abuse children, and their families.

Dates for the drive:

November 1, 2011 until December 16, 2011


Once again, Pick 'N Save North and South will be participating. Piggly Wiggly once again will help our drive this year. We have also added Holy Angels parish and Holy Mary Immaculate Concession parish as partners to help us in this worthy endeavor. We welcome one and all whole heartedly, and hope for a wonderful drive this year!

Drop off points:

This year, there will be barrels in the school lobbies of all three parishes for drop offs during school hours, along with barrels in the entrances of each church for Sunday and daily services. Piggly Wiggly and Pick 'N Save will also have barrels in the entrances of their stores for dropping toys off.